Campus Safety Information
UMKC’s crime statistics are very low with most crimes reported being burglaries—so remember that campus safety is everyone’s responsibility! Keep reading for tips regarding on-campus safety, residential life safety, and safety when using the KCATA bus system.
When walking across campus or to/ from a bus stop, try not to walk alone. However, if you find you must do so, be aware of your surroundings. Know what is going on around you at all times, the location of emergency call boxes, and the number for the UMKC police department (235-1515). Also, keep in mind the UMKC police department offers a personal escort service. If you feel the need to be escorted to your car or your residence hall, call the police department at 235-1515. For more information on campus safety, visit the campus safety website.
All Residential Life facilities are equipped with a card access system. Only residents of a specific building and authorized staff are permitted access by swiping their ID card. Each of the two residence halls also staffs a 24-hour desk where everyone entering the building must also show their ID before proceeding. It is important to never let anyone into your residence hall without checking in with the front desk–do not hold the side doors open for someone to come in. Keep your room locked at all times when you leave- even if it is only for a few minutes. Never loan your room key or id card to anyone for any reason. For more information on residential hall safety, visit the residence safety website.
KCATA’s bus system is a great asset to UMKC’s students. With your new UMKC id card, you can use the entire bus system for access to all of Kansas City. However, that comes with a responsibility for your own safety. Always be aware of your surroundings. When possible, travel with friends and sit at the front of the bus close to the driver. Know the bus schedule and routes- and if you think you might be running late always keep a taxi service’s number and enough fare to get home. Keep all of your possessions as close to you as possible. For more information about bus safety, visit the transportation safety website.