Do you know Copyright?

By , September 17, 2013 8:52 am

CopyrightRegardless of your major, copyright issues can be complicated and unfamiliar.  Finding books and articles is only a part of the academic puzzle–you must also know how to properly use these resources in your work without violating copyright laws.

UMKC Libraries has a Copyright LibGuide that can help.

Beyond properly citing work, you need answers to questions like these:

  • How do I use resources in my papers without plagiarizing?
  • Do I need to get permissions to be able to include video or background music in my class presentations?
  • What conditions allow me to claim “Fair Use” of materials?
  • Can I claim “Fair Use” for materials I (or the university) have purchased under a license?

UMKC Libraries Copyright LibGuide helps answer these questions and more.

Still confused?  Your subject specialist librarian is happy to help you sort things out and learn how to use materials legally. Visit the library’s Who’s My Librarian? page to find and which librarian specializes in your area.

Additionally, the following link provides information about UMKC policies and sanctions related to copyright infringement and unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, including disciplinary action taken against students who engage in illegal downloading or unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using UMKC information technology systems.  The information also includes a notice that informs students that unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material may subject the students to civil and criminal liabilities.  A summary of the penalties for violation of federal copyright laws is also provided.

The “Other” Wes Moore – 2013 Social Justice Book Lecture

By , September 17, 2013 8:43 am

WesMooreIn 2000, the Baltimore Sun ran an article about Wes Moore receiving The Rhodes Scholarship in spite of his troubled past. At the same time, it ran a story about four young men arrested for murder, one of whom shared his name – the “other” Wes Moore.

The two Moores were from the same neighborhood and around the same age, but the similarities ended there.

The Rhodes Scholar wrote a book about the “consequences of personal responsibility and the imperativeness of education and community for a generation of boys searching for their way.”

Currently more than 30 faculty are using “The Other Wes Moore” as part of their courses this Fall at UMKC.

Join us for two special events for the 2013 Social Justice Lecture:

  • The Miller Nichols Library will hold a book discussion at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, October 9 at the iX Theater in the library.  More details here.
  • Wes Moore will speak at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, October 16 in Pierson Auditorium.  A book signing will follow. Register here.



UMKC 2013 Career Expo

By , September 16, 2013 5:36 pm

Career ExpoUMKC Career Services is hosting the annual UMKC Career Expo on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 from 10am to 2.30pm at the Swinney Recreation Center.  Bring your resume, dress professionally, and stop by to meet with employers for your next job or internship.

See which employers are participating through your Roo Career Network Account!

Call for Submissions: 2014 Lucerna

By , September 16, 2013 5:31 pm

LucernaPapers are now being accepted for Lucerna, a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal–and the only undergraduate research journal at UMKC–publishing papers by students in the social sciences, sciences, and humanities.   Established in 2005 by the UMKC Honors Program, Lucerna’s purpose is to cultivate and showcase high-caliber scholarship from the entire UMKC undergraduate community.

Any UMKC undergraduate may submit a research paper between 2000 and 6000 words, written anytime during their academic career at UMKC.  Publishing in Lucerna is a prestigious accomplishment for any academic looking to further her or his education or future career.  Previously published papers will not be considered.

Please visit the Lucerna website ( for information about submitting your paper and to view past issues.

Lucerna has a priority deadline of February 28th, 2014.  All submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the end of spring semester; however, submissions that meet the priority deadline will be given highest consideration for publication.

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