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CRR 310.025 Extension of Probationary Period for Faculty on Regular Term Appointment

The UMKC process for applying for a one-year extension of the tenure clock (extension to tenure probationary period):

  • The faculty Candidate writes a letter to the Chair requesting a one-year extension of their tenure clock, stating specific reasons supporting the request and how the candidate plans to utilize the additional year to progress toward tenure goals.
  • The Chair writes a letter to the Dean, stating specific reasons for supporting or denying the candidate’s request.
  • The Dean then writes a letter to the Provost, stating specific reasons for supporting or denying the candidate’s request. Dean should include the original tenure notification date from candidate’s offer letter, details of any previous extension granted to the candidate, and specific reasons for supporting or denying the candidate’s request. Dean forwards all letters via electronic mail to Christine Popoola, Faculty Affairs Specialist.
  • The Provost will review the request and make a recommendation to the Chancellor, who will inform the Dean and Chair of the decision by letter.
  • If the extension is approved, the Dean will provide a copy of the Chancellor’s letter to the Candidate, the school’s Promotion & Tenure Committee, and candidate’s Department Chair. Dean will forward the original letter to the school’s Human Resources Facilitator (HRF).
    • HRF must prepare a turnaround Data/Corr Personnel Action Form (PAF) to update the candidate’s new Tenure Notification Date (PAF box #60 = always July 31 of appropriate year), effective the date of the Chancellor’s approval. HRF will attach original Chancellor’s approval letter to the PAF and forward to Provost’s Office via campus mail to: Chris Popoola, 341 Administrative Conference Center.
  • If the extension is denied, the Dean provides copies of the Chancellor’s letter to everyone listed above, including the school’s HRF. The candidate will present the portfolio for review as originally scheduled, and no PAF change is necessary.
  • CRR 310.025 Extension of Probationary Period for Faculty on Regular Term Appointment explains the regulations governing extension to the tenure clock.

Although Extensions to the Probationary Tenure Clock due to FMLA-approved Medical Leave are automatically approved according to CRR 340.070 Faculty Leave Policy, the complete Extension Request process as outlined above must occur to officially document the faculty’s approved Extension to the Tenure Clock.

If you have questions regarding the Extension of Tenure Clock process, please contact Dr. Alex Holsinger (816) 235-1249 or Chris Popoola (816) 235-2721.