There may be occasions when it is in the best interest of UMKC to expedite the promotion and/or tenure process of current faculty members or individuals who are being offered employment at the university. For example, an expedited promotion and/or tenure decision may be appropriate in order to retain a current faculty member who has an offer of a position at a higher rank from another university. Occasions have also arisen in which the university has attempted to recruit eminent scholars who would not accept a position in the university without receiving tenure or a higher rank than their current position. These and similar situations may require an expedited review process. Should this be deemed necessary, the following procedures for expediting the process of promotion and/or tenure shall apply:
Candidates who hold the rank of associate or full professor with tenure at institutions of equal or higher status may be granted an appointment at the same rank with tenure upon the recommendation of the dean, the recommendation of the unit promotion and tenure committee, the recommendation of the Provost and the final decision by the Chancellor. Candidates who hold the rank of assistant professor without tenure at institutions of equal or higher status may be granted an appointment at the rank of associate without tenure using the same procedure:
Procedure: The dean should prepare a letter of recommendation that includes:
- a current curriculum vitae of the candidate;
- a brief unit report evaluating the candidate’s research (including quality of publications and citations, and record of external funding), teaching, and service;
- letters of recommendation obtained during the hiring process or as a result of special requests; and
- the vote and recommendations of the appropriate department and School promotion and tenure committee (s), the department chair and the dean.
All information should be forwarded to the Provost for the Provost’s review and recommendation to the Chancellor for a decision.
To ensure an expedited process, if the letters of reference obtained during the search are deemed to be insufficient for purposes of a P&T review, a candidate’s C.V. and other materials may be electronically submitted to additional reviewers who did not serve as references. In such cases, both the candidate and the unit P&T committee or department chair should be given the opportunity to provide names of possible additional external reviewers. Once the additional reviewers have been identified, they should be provided with the relevant documents and asked to provide the necessary review of the candidate. Where time is of the essence, reviewers may be contacted by phone by the department/division chair and/or the dean to obtain an evaluation of the candidate based on a review of the documents. The results of these phone interviews should be put into written summary form and be made part of the file provided to other levels of review.
Candidates who hold the rank of assistant professor at institutions of equal or higher status may be granted an appointment at the rank of associate professor with tenure; -OR-
Candidates who hold the rank of associate or full professor with tenure at institutions that are not of equal or higher status may be granted an appointment at the same rank with tenure; -OR-
Candidates who hold the rank of associate professor at institutions of equal or higher status may be granted an appointment at the rank of professor;
based on the recommendation of the dean, recommendation of the unit promotion and tenure committee, the recommendation of the Campus Promotion and Tenure committee (or subcommittee), the recommendation by the Provost, and the final decision by the Chancellor.
Procedure: The dean should prepare a letter of recommendation that includes:
- a current curriculum vitae of the candidate;
- a brief unit report evaluating the candidate’s research (including quality of publications and citations, and record of external funding), teaching, and service;
- letters of recommendation obtained during the hiring process or as a result of special requests; and
- the vote and recommendations of the appropriate department and School promotion and tenure committee (s), the department chair and the dean.
All information should be submitted to the University Promotion & Tenure Committee; a subcommittee of that group will be identified to act in cases of expedited review. Following this review, materials will go to the Provost for the Provost’s review and recommendation, and finally to the Chancellor for a decision.
To ensure an expedited process, if the letters of reference obtained during the search are deemed to be insufficient for purposes of a P&T review, a candidate’s C.V. and other materials may be electronically submitted to additional reviewers who did not serve as references. In such cases, both the candidate and the unit P&T committee or department chair should be given the opportunity to provide names of possible additional external reviewers. Once the additional reviewers have been identified, they should be provided with the relevant documents and asked to provide the necessary review of the candidate. Where time is of the essence, reviewers may be contacted by phone by the department/division chair and/or the dean to obtain an evaluation of the candidate based on a review of the documents. The results of these phone interviews should be put into written summary form and be made part of the file provided to other levels of review.
Current UMKC faculty members who are being recruited by another institution or received an offer from another institution may qualify for an expedited review for promotion and/or tenure. It is important to realize that the basis must be on the quality of the scholarship, teaching, and service and not solely on an offer from another institution. In such cases, the faculty member will be subject to the procedures described for faculty members from institutions of equal or higher rank, or follow Procedure B above.
Summary of Expedited Review Procedures | |
Peer Institutions | |
Asst professor to assoc professor w/o tenure | Procedure A |
Asst professor to assoc professor w/tenure | Procedure B |
Assoc or full professor to same rank w tenure | Procedure A |
Assoc professor to professor | Procedure B |
Non Peer Institutions | |
Assoc professor to assoc professor | Procedure B |
Professor to Professor | Procedure B |