Graduate Exceptions Policy

  • Keywords: Graduate, Exceptions, Petition
  • Policy Number: KC-ACA-3799
  • Originally Issued: Prior to 2010
  • Revised:
  • Effective Catalog Cycle:
  • Approved by: Graduate Council, SGS Dean, Provost
  • Executive Sponsor: Provost
  • Responsible Office: School of Graduate Studies

Policy Statement

Campus-wide Exceptions

Petitions for an exception to a campus-wide graduate academic regulation must originate with the student. It must be processed through the graduate officer and dean or program director in charge of the student’s graduate degree program and forwarded to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. Only the dean, or the designated representative, are authorized to grant an exception to the graduate academic regulations applying to all graduate students. Petitions must be in writing and include (1) the reason for requesting the exception and a detailed justification from the student; (2) recommendation for action by the appropriate graduate officer; (3) recommendation for action by the department or division chair (if applicable); and (4) recommendation for action by the appropriate dean or program director. The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies or designated representative will review the petition and related documentation and render a decision which will be communicated in writing to the academic dean or director, the graduate officer, the student and the Registrar.

Program-Specific Exceptions

Petitions for exception to a program-specific academic regulation are handled within the academic unit’s degree program. A graduate student who has petitioned for an exception to a program-specific academic regulation and whose petition has been denied may appeal the decision to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies if all other remedies open to the appellant have been exhausted at the department and college, school or program level. Appeals to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies must be made in writing within 14 consecutive days from the date the student received the written notice of the petition decision. The dean of the School of Graduate Studies will investigate the case and take appropriate action in a timely manner. The decision of the graduate dean, as the chancellor’s designated representative, is final and will be communicated in writing to the student, the graduate officer, the academic dean or director and the registrar.

Reason for Policy

This policy was developed to support student academic success and to provide consistent, quality delivery of academic programs and services.

Who Should Read this Policy?

All faculty; Academic advisors; Registrar’s office personnel, School of Graduate Studies personnel. All graduate students.

Instructions, Procedures and Related Information


UMKC School of Graduate Studies:

UMKC Registrar’s Office: Website:

Physical Location: 115 Administrative Center, 5115 Oak Street, Kansas City, MO 64110

Mailing Address: 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110-2499;

Phone: 816-235-1125; Fax: 816-235-5513; Email: registrar@

UMKC Office of the Provost:


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