Rachel Waldemer of St. Louis, was awarded a Fellowship worth $5,000 by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. The daughter of Patricia Waldemer, she graduated from the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) in May with a bachelor of science degree with majors in Biology, Chemistry and Spanish. In the fall, Waldemer plans to study in the MD-PhD program at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign.
Waldemer is one of 60 recipients of the Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships. Since its creation in 1932, the Fellowship Program has become one of the Society’s most visible and financially well-supported endeavors, allocating nearly $380,000 annually to deserving students for first-year graduate or professional study. Currently, 57 Fellowships of $5,000 and three Fellowships of $15,000 are awarded each year.
The selection process for the Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships is based on the applicants’ 1) undergraduate academic performance; 2) leadership and service on the campus and in the community; 3) evidence of graduate potential; 4) personal statement of educational perspective, purpose and objectives; and 5) the evaluation reports from three individuals who are in a position to attest to the student’s performance, citizenship and character.
“This is the second such award that a UMKC Phi Kappa Phi initiate has received in the past three years – a notable achievement for our campus and fine testimony to the quality of students that we attract, nurture and graduate,” said Charles Wurrey, Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor of Chemistry and president of the UMKC chapter of Phi Kappa Phi.
About Phi Kappa Phi
Founded in 1897 and headquartered in Baton Rouge, La., Phi Kappa Phi is the nation’s oldest, largest and most selective all-discipline honor society. Phi Kappa Phi inducts annually more than 30,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni. The Society has chapters on more than 300 select colleges and universities in North America and the Philippines. Membership is by invitation only to the top 10 percent of seniors and graduate students and 7.5 percent of juniors. Faculty, professional staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction also qualify.
Since its founding, more than 1 million members have been initiated. Some of the organization’s more notable members include former President Jimmy Carter, NASA astronaut Wendy Lawrence, writer John Grisham and Netscape founder James Barksdale. The Society has awarded approximately $13 million since the inception of its awards program in 1932. Today, more than $700,000 is awarded annually to qualifying members and non-members through graduate fellowships, undergraduate study abroad scholarships, member and chapter awards and grants for local and national literacy initiatives. The Society’s mission is “To recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others.”
For more information on Phi Kappa Phi, please call 800/804-9880 or visit www.PhiKappaPhi.org.
About UMKC
The University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), one of four University of Missouri campuses, is a public university serving more than 14,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional students. UMKC engages with the community and economy based on a four-part mission: life and health sciences; visual and performing arts; urban issues and education; and a vibrant learning and campus life experience.