Speakers include Brad DeLong, Joe Weisenthal, Stan Collender and UMKC experts
April 8, 2013
Contact: Kristin Pitts
(816) 235-6678; pittsk@umkc.edu
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The nation’s top economics experts – including two from the University of Missouri-Kansas City’s Department of Economics – will hold two panel discussions entitled “Speak Out to Defend the American Dream.”
Panelists include Brad DeLong, Joe Weisenthal, Stan Collender, and UMKC’s Bill Black and Stephanie Kelton. The first discussion will start at 8 p.m., Friday, April 12, at The Beacon, 51 St. and Main, Kansas City, Mo. Another discussion begins at 10 a.m., Saturday, April 13, at Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 W 47 St., Kansas City, Mo. Both events are free and open to the public.
DeLong is a professor of economics at UC Berkeley. He was the Clinton administration’s deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury; he blogs at Grasping Reality With Both Hands.
Weisenthal is executive editor and lead financial blogger at Business Insider.
Author of The Guide to the Federal Budget, Collender blogs for Capital Gains and Games.
Black was executive director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention from 2005-2007. He is an associate professor of economics and law at UMKC and author of The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One.
Chair of the Department of Economics at UMKC, Kelton is the founder of the New Economic Perspectives blog.
The discussions are sponsored by the Jobs Now! Coalition and the UMKC Economics Club.
The UMKC Economics Department has a history of going against traditional approaches to economic theory. Using many of the theories and logic expounded in Post-Keynesian economic theory, UMKC economics professors correctly predicted the U.S. housing market crash, the recession and the Eurozone debt crisis.
The department also has a history of engaging and informing the community through free public events. The upcoming panel discussions will continue that tradition.
“We want people in this community to get a better understanding of the country’s true economic challenges. These discussions will cut through the rhetoric that often clouds conversations about the economy” Kelton said.
About the University of Missouri-Kansas City
The University of Missouri-Kansas City, one of four University of Missouri campuses, is a public university serving more than 15,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional students, and celebrating its 80th anniversary in 2013. UMKC engages with the community and economy based on a four-part mission: life and health sciences; visual and performing arts; urban issues and education; and a vibrant learning and campus life experience. For more information about UMKC, visit www.umkc.edu. You can also find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and watch us on YouTube.
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