U.S.SourceLink announces five new partners at National Conference in Kansas City

KANSAS CITY, MOU.S.SourceLink announced five new partners in America’s largest resource network for entrepreneurs. Metro New Orleans SourceLink, Arkansas SourceLink, Tri-City SourceLink, Ohio SBDC and Wisconsin-Whitewater joined the growing number of entrepreneurial support organizations that use U.S.SourceLink products and services to help entrepreneurs and small business owners find the right resource at the right time in their community.

About 40 entrepreneurship and economic development experts heard the news at the U.S.SourceLink National Conference held April 26-28 in Kansas City. The conference was supported by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.

Paul Corson, acting director of the office of innovation and entrepreneurship at the U.S. Department of Commerce, delivered the keynote address. He provided insights into Washington’s take on small business and outlined key federal programs to benefit entrepreneurship and job growth. Noted author Kelly Tyler highlighted lunch with remarks about achieving high performance. Other topics included funding, technology and social media.

Organizations represented at the conference included:

  • AKSourceLink (Alaska)
  • Tri-City SourceLink (Washington State)
  • Arkansas SourceLink
  • Greater Des Moines Partnership
  • KCArtistLink
  • KCSourceLink
  • Louisiana Economic Development and Louisiana Tech University
  • Missouri Rural Enterprise and Innovation Center
  • MOSourceLink
  • Metro New Orleans SourceLink
  • NetWork Kansas
  • Ohio SBDC at Urban League of Greater Cincinnati
  • St. Louis SourceLink
  • Tulsa SourceLink
  • University of Idaho
  • Urban League of Greater Atlanta

For more information about U.S.SourceLink, visit www.ussourcelink.com.

About U.S.SourceLink

U.S.SourceLink is America’s largest resource network for entrepreneurs. The mission of U.S.SourceLink is to match aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to the resources they need to grow by uniting existing business development programs into collaborative networks, providing a highly reliable and visible source of business startup and growth information. There are about 20 of these networks across the country and that number continues to grow. U.S.SourceLink founders include the Kauffman Foundation, University of Missouri-Kansas City and the Small Business Administration.

About the University of Missouri-Kansas City

The University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), one of four University of Missouri campuses, is a public university serving more than 15,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional students. UMKC engages with the community and economy based on a four-part mission: life and health sciences; visual and performing arts; urban issues and education; and a vibrant learning and campus life experience. For more information about UMKC, visit www.umkc.edu. You can also find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and watch us on YouTube.

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