The Best Advice from Professors

Photos by Brandon Parigo, Strategic Marketing and Communications

Recent graduates share wisdom they gleaned from UMKC faculty

With a student-to-faculty ratio resembling a small private college, UMKC makes mentorship a central part of the student experience. Though more than 16,000 students are enrolled, the 14:1 student-to-faculty ratio is unusually small for such a large university.


UMKC commencement season is upon us. What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received from a professor?



“Make time to change lives. Find what you are passionate about and never stop chasing after it. Even when hiccups happen and you feel life keeps tearing you down, don’t forget why you have gotten this far. Life is messy but that’s what makes it beautiful.”

Justice Collins, ’17
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies


“Learn more math to be successful in your career and field.”

Joshua Bragg, ’17
Bachelor of Science in Geology


“Nursing is a privilege, not a right. I thought it served as a good reminder that without people seeking our help, we would not have jobs. We are lucky that people trust us with their lives and we should not take advantage of that.”

Mackenzie Flaws, ‘17
Bachelor of Science in Nursing


“Participate in a summer research internship at a university. They allow you to meet awesome, impactful people in the process of learning a lot of useful skills. They’re also very fun, you’ll likely make some great friends in the process, and often you’ll get paid as well!”

Zoe Lemon, ‘17
Bachelor of Science in Physics


“Work at the speed of you. This isn’t a competition or a race. Do what you can to ensure your success, that your star shines brightest.”

C.J. Pulluiam, ‘17
Bachelor of Arts in History


“Say ‘yes’ to everything that comes your way. You never know where it might lead you.”

Christine Hoober, ’17
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science


“Never hold back in applying to my dream job when it presents itself. Even if it doesn’t happen, it puts my name out there.”


From across the country and around the world, our students come together in Kansas City to study business, medicine, theatre and more than 100 other academic areas. Roos become leaders in their fields and give back to their communities. 

>Meet more UMKC students

>Dynamic duo mentorship pairs

>Explore our College of Arts and Sciences


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