Tag Archives: Kyle Dunning
School of Computing and Engineering students receive American Concrete Institute scholarships
May 9, 2011
Posted in Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Honors, Awards and Accolades, News Release, School of Computing and Engineering, Students
Tagged Alex McCaskill, American Concrete Institute (ACI) Missouri chapter scholarships, Baker Student Fellowship, Dean Kevin Truman, Honorary Luke and Billie Snell Undergraduate Scholarship Award, Kyle Dunning, Nate Wood, Undergraduate Scholarship Award

A recipe for winter safety
November 15, 2010
Posted in All news, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Research and Innovation, School of Computing and Engineering, Sustainability, University Libraries
Tagged Adam Bruetsch, Campus Facilities Management, Chris Farney, Civil Engineering Material Mixing Lab, Gregory King, Human Motion Laboratory, John Kevern, Kyle Dunning, Material Testing Lab, National Science Foundation, pervious concrete
UMKC civil engineering students compete in national competition
May 27, 2009
Posted in Honors, Awards and Accolades, News Release, School of Computing and Engineering, Students
Tagged Aaron Castro, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)/ American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) National Student Steel Bridge Competition, Angela Kartsonis, Chris Farney, David Kidd, Kyle Dunning, Marc Phillips, Mark Crawford, Matthew Spurrier, SteelRoos, Stephen Huffman
UMKC civil engineering students win regional competition, qualify for nationals
April 22, 2009
Posted in Honors, Awards and Accolades, News Release, School of Computing and Engineering, Students
Tagged Aaron Castro, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)/American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Steel Bridge Competition, Angela Kartsonis, ASCE/AISC National Student Steel Bridge Competition, Chris Farney, David Kidd, Dean Kevin Truman, Kyle Dunning, Marc Phillips, Mark Crawford, Matthew Spurrier, SteelRoos, Stephen Huffman