Roo-minations – Episode 2

What are your plans for spring break?

UMKC introduces the second episode of its monthly feature, “Roo-minations,” which asks students to answer a question. This month’s question is, “What are your plans for spring break?” UMKC’s spring break is from March 28 through April 1.

What is a Roo-mination? Here’s our definition: Roo•mi•na•tion [roo-muh-ney-shun] noun, what a UMKC roo thinks.

What question should we ask next? Post comments on YouTube or submit questions to

What are your spring break plans?

Attending a Design-Build Institute of America conference -- Erwin Quintanilla, senior Civil Engineering major

Attending a Design-Build Institute of America conference
— Erwin Quintanilla, senior Civil Engineering major

Taking an urban planning tour of New Orleans -- Jacque Griffith, junior Urban Planning + Design major

Taking an urban planning tour of New Orleans
— Jacque Griffith, junior Urban Planning + Design major

Building Habitat for Humanity homes  -- Amber McCurry, sophomore Nursing major

Building Habitat for Humanity homes
— Amber McCurry, sophomore Nursing major

Working and going to a concert  -- Joseph Salazar, freshman Political Science major

Working and going to a concert
— Joseph Salazar, freshman Political Science major

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