Jada Chavis Strives to be a Positive Change Agent
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Bachelor of Arts in Communications Studies, Journalism | Department of Communication Studies | College of Arts and Sciences | 2019
Where is UMKC taking you?
UMKC is taking me to another level. It has opened my eyes to our diverse world, and I am learning about new people, their cultures and how to appreciate them. Because of everything I’m learning at UMKC, my friends and I were able to start our own independent film company, so I can step up and fill any of the roles needed.
Why did you choose UMKC?
I am from St. Louis, and I liked the distance from home. I also liked that UMKC is in a city and not just a college town, and that the students are so diverse and everyone is so friendly. I have family who live in the area, and they highly recommended it.
What are your lifelong goals?
The vision for our film company encompasses my lifelong goals: “To enlighten our generation, empower the people and entertain the world.” I want to help bring arts back into the schools and provide an alternative outlet to avoid violence.
What motto do you live by?
Stand for something or fall for anything. I have it tattooed on my back.
What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received from a professor?
Do not be afraid to ask questions.
What excites you?
New things, discoveries, people and their ideas. Imagination is really important to me, and the arts are my life. I think it’s so important to be yourself – show it, be it.
Do you belong to any organizations?
Not at the moment, but I went with Multicultural Student Organization Council students to MU to march and that was a lot of fun. I learned so much about myself, and I didn’t know anyone when I went, but I felt like I had to stand up and do it.
What got you into your field of study?
I have a voice, and I’m here to create change. The news is full of negativity, and I feel like the media has the power to influence the world. My goal is to use the arts to get in and be able to create more positivity in the world using media.
Do you have any advice for future UMKC students?
Step out of what you’re used to. Try new things, meet new people and, if you fall, you will get right back up.