2010: A Year to Remember

Robot Dance

A look back at some of the top headlines from the past year

From the Presidential Honor Roll to a world-record robot dance, 2010 was a year filled with recognition and accomplishment for the students, faculty and staff at UMKC. Following are just a few of the notable headlines from the past year:

UMKC Named to President’s Honor Roll for Community Service

President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll LogoThe University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) was named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, the highest federal recognition a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service-learning and civic engagement. Read more.

By our students, for our students: New Student Union opens

new Student Union buildingUMKC students have been getting to know their new Student Union since the beginning of the fall semester and, so far, the reviews have been great. As part of this year’s Homecoming Week, members of the local community joined UMKC students, faculty and staff for the official dedication of UMKC’s new Student Union. Read more.

School of Pharmacy celebrates 125-year anniversary

historical black and white photo of a School of Pharmacy labIn 1885, recognizing the need for more “modern” pharmacy education, a small group of area academic and civic leaders worked with the University of Kansas City to establish a Pharmaceutical Department at the school. The faculty consisted of four members of the Kansas City College of Medicine who were trained in both medicine and pharmaceutical sciences. Read more.

UMKC Libraries receive Missouri Library of the Year award

Miller Nichols Library building signThe Missouri Library Association (MLA) selected UMKC Libraries as the 2010 Library of the Year. Recognizing Miller Nichols Library’s efforts to provide superior services, MLA applauded the UMKC Libraries staff for their commitment to improving and expanding student spaces and installing the region’s first robotic book retrieval system. Read more.

Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation earns major international awards

Bloch School BuildingThe Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at UMKC’s Bloch School earned two awards from the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC) at the 14th Annual Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers conference. Winners in five award categories were announced, each of whom was selected by a panel of peer center directors. Winners in these categories are considered to be among the top centers in the world for entrepreneurship. Read more.

UMKC launches Heartland Health Network to address health disparities

Heartland Health Network LaunchThe University of Missouri-Kansas City received a three-year, $1 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to create the Heartland Health Network (HHN) — a coalition of community partners working together to address health disparities by promoting wellness and facilitating health research in the African American community. Read more.

UMKC breaks Guinness World Record for largest robot dance

robot dance at UMKCIt’s official — the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) unofficially broke the Guinness World Record for the most people robotic dancing at the same time and place. At 7:15 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 27 at UMKC’s Stanley H. Durwood Soccer Stadium and Recreational Field, 658 people moved to a robot routine designed by Conservatory of Music and Dance students and emceed by Hot 103 Jamz DJ JT Quick. Read more.

UMKC School of Medicine and Research Medical Center sign affiliation agreement

School of Medicine and Research Medical Center signing an affiliation agreementThe University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) School of Medicine and Research Medical Center (RMC) have signed an affiliation agreement to develop and provide joint undergraduate, post-graduate and fellowship medical training programs. The agreement will also allow the two institutions to cooperate in promoting and enhancing faculty development, education and biomedical research. Read more.

World’s most efficient motor, generator and actuator technology now at UMKC

QM Power, Inc. and UMKC School of Computing and Engineering research and development collaboration ribbon cutting ceremonyNew magnetic circuit technology may revolutionize the way manufacturers and customers design and use electric motors, generators and actuators — providing more efficiency, power density and reliability. Earlier this year, Kansas City’s Green Impact Zone became home to ongoing research and development between QM Power, Inc. and UMKC’s School of Computing and Engineering. Read more.

UMKC adds eco-friendly, all-electric truck to its fleet of vehicles

eco-friendly, all-electric truckAs part of its growing commitment to sustainability, the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) announced the purchase of its first eco-friendly all-electric truck. The addition of the Smith Electric Vehicles Newton truck to the university’s transportation fleet makes UMKC the first university in the nation to operate a mid-size all-electric vehicle on its campus. Read more.

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