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It’s Okay to Put Yourself First! (Sometimes)

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By DeDe Jones

Is it okay to put myself first? As a helpful and selfless person, that’s something I ask myself ALL the time. I love being that person that tries to do everything in my power to help other people and make sure they have a smile on their face. Even if I know it won’t completely benefit me in the long run. Just to know that I was able to be there for someone else is what keeps me going. For a while. After years of putting others first, I feel kind of tired and exhausted. And I shouldn’t feel this way. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with helping others, but when you continuously push YOURSELF to the end of YOUR priority list, you begin to physically feel the effects. Now it’s time for a change.

During this month of October, we celebrate Domestic Violence Awareness month. Although my situation above does not involve domestic violence, I just wanted to let people know, even in the events of a domestic violence relationship or any relationship, it’s okay to put yourself first. People always say, “You can’t help others until you help yourself”. Because at the end of the day, it’s YOU that deserves to be happy and it’s YOU that has to deal with YOU.

So learn how to put yourself first now, so you can have enough energy to give your all when the time comes of someone needing your help. During this journey of life, it’s okay to help others, but it’s also okay to put yourself first. You want to be careful not to get too tired before your journey is over.