International Trade

As a Missouri business owner, far from foreign shores and American ports, you might wonder why your small business should be interested in international trade. Because of one simple fact: 97% of all exports are made by small businesses. Why not seize that opportunity?

The UMKC SBTDC has counselors who are certified and experienced in international trade. We are positioned to assist your business in the revenue growth and job creation that results from expansion into global markets

Through our counseling services, training opportunities, and programs we can help you:

  • Assess your business’s readiness to export
  • Identify potential export markets and foreign trade partners
  • Assist in assessing foreign market entry options
  • Create an international business plan
  • Learn about export documents and processes
  • Develop trade-lead matching
  • Build international banking relationships
  • Identify international trade education and seminars
  • Explore export finance and credit insurance options

UMKC SBTDC brings a wide scope of knowledge and information to assist in growing your export business and can also assist you in building partnerships with local, state, and national networks of international trade experts.

Partners participating with the UMKC SBTDC in international trade efforts include:

Other organizations that can provide invaluable assistance in the export process include:

For more information or to request counseling, we ask that you fill out a short form so that we know a little more about your business and can determine how best we can help you.